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📢 🇨🇳 🇷🇺 The Chinese army is ready, together with the Russian army, to defend justice in the world - Chinese Defense Ministry 🔶️ "The Chinese People's Liberation Army (PLA) is ready to strengthen strategic ties with the Russian Armed Forces and work together…
📢 🇨🇳 🇵🇸 China’s Xi Jinping calls for peace conference and ‘justice’ over war in Gaza as Arab leaders visit Beijing

🔶️ He also reiterated China’s call for the establishment of an independent Palestinian state, as well as Beijing’s support for a “more broad-based, authoritative and effective international peace conference.”

🔶️ “In this turbulent world, peaceful relations come from mutual respect, and lasting security is built on fairness and justice,” said the Chinese leader, who has pushed for an alternative model for global security to the alliance-based one backed by the US.

🔶️ Following the gathering, Wang told reporters the “strongest call of the meeting was one to firmly support the Palestinian people in restoring their legitimate national rights.”
Forwarded from Sahelian Analyst (Sahelian Analyst)
🇸🇾🇸🇾🏴🇮🇷🇸🇾🇸🇾 Understanding Rising Tensions in Syria.

In the last few months tensions have been rising between the different factions ruling over Syria, in the north east being the US-backed SDF/PKK, north west HTS and Turkish proxies, south east Bashaar’s regime forces and al Tanf base south east.

Read how a new round of increased violence will unfold in the region in the following months.

➡️ Rising tensions between Assad and PKK/SDF

➡️Tensions between PKK/SDF and the Tribal Army.

➡️ Islamic State increasing tensions against both PKK/SDF and Assad and Iranian militias.

➡️ Protests in Idlib and the possibility of overthrowing Jolani

➡️ Turkish operations on PKK/SDF and the 30km buffer zone

Or read the full article on Telegraph.

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📖 🇵🇸 🇮🇱 Gaza | May summary:
- Gaza war unit tracking

- Throughout the month of May, an average of 6.9 IDF brigades operated in Gaza.
- These were used in the invasion of Rafah and in raids in Northern Gaza.
- A total of 3.10% of Gaza that had not before been entered was newly cleared.

2️⃣ Timelapse of IDF advances in Rafah every 5 days, since the start of the invasion.

- After 25 days, the speed of the Rafah invasion has synced up with my model.
- My model's prediction is the black line in the graph below, and the actual speed is the red dot. As you can see, the red dot is on the black line, which means the two are now the same.
- Based on the model, capturing Rafah City will take at least another 30 days.

📊 The original plan for Rafah was 2 divisions with several brigades, which was then downsized dramatically for political reasons. Since then the IDF has very gradually been increasing their forces again.

- The invasion started with 2 brigades and is now at 6 brigades. The original plan of 10 brigades has not been reached and is likely discarded.

- Given the low amount of forces, advances remain slow and undramatic.

📊 Hamas Battalions in Rafah compared to IDF control:

🔶️ So far the IDF has primarily fought against the Yabna Battalion. In my assessment, the IDF has destroyed enough of its companies to consider it "degraded". Halfway to "dismantled".

📎 Gaza war unit tracking
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Forwarded from Tupi Report 🇧🇷
🇲🇽☠️🗳 — With the murders of 37 political candidates since June 2023, Mexico has experienced a one of its bloodiest election seasons this year, now with just days to go before Sunday's presidential election

❗️ The violence hasn't stopped even as the campaigns drew to an official close; two mayoral candidates were murdered this week, one on Tuesday and another on Wednesday.

📈 There have been 339 aggressions towards political candidates in 2024, which includes threats, murders, kidnappings, attempted murders, armed attacks and disappearances.

🪖 President Andrés Manuel López Obrador assured the public in a May 21 morning press conference that 3,000 military troops are protecting at least 500 candidates across the country.

🌹 However, Claudia Sheinbaum, the presidential front-runner, said she would continue López Obrador's "hugs, not bullets" policy, and Xóchitl Gálvez, her closest opponent, blamed the level of insecurity on this policy, calling Sheinbaum the "narco-candidate."
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Forwarded from Middle East Spectator
🇮🇱/ 🇱🇧 NEW: Hezbollah attacked the Headquarters of the IDF's 769th Brigade in Kiryat Shmona, completely destroying one of its wings with heavy Burkan missiles

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Forwarded from Simurgh News Network (ربيـــع)
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🇱🇧❗️💤 "Israeli" media: Scenes from inside the base... Major damage to the Kiryat Shmona base, headquarters of the 769th Eastern Brigade, after a Burkan missile fell.
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Forwarded from Privacy & Security Goys
Windows users on suicide watch: turns out, extracting everything that Microsoft is scanning is trivial:

Every few seconds, screenshots are taken. These are automatically OCR’d by Azure AI, running on your device, and written into an SQLite database in the user’s folder.

This database file has a record of everything you’ve ever viewed on your PC in plain text. OCR is a process of looking at an image and extracting the letters.

While this keylogging "feature" can allegedly be opted out of, it is on by default. Your clueless parents, employer, etc will have all sorts of sensitive information tied up with a little bow for the next piece of malware they get exposed to.

One cannot believe this is a simple oversight on Microsoft's end. Glowniggers of all types need more consoomer data, after all.
🇺🇸 ❌️ 🏳️‍🌈 The LGBT movement is losing—badly. | America 2100

🗳 Let's look at some of the polls.

🔶️ Just a few years ago, it seemed like the LGBT revolution had won, once and for all. By 2020, even a majority of Republicans supported gay marriage.

🔶️ But the Left overplayed their hand. What began as a backlash to gender ideology and the indoctrination of kids is now turning Americans against the entire LGBT project, including gay marriage—something that would have been unthinkable just five years ago.

🔶️ Rather than continuing to climb, American support for gay marriage has dropped 7 points in just one year (from 2022 to 2023).

🔶️ Republican support for gay marriage dropped 15 points over the same period. In 2022, 56% of Republicans supported gay marriage. By 2023, that number had fallen to 41%—the lowest it's been in a decade.

🔶️ Even amongst Democrats, support for gay marriage dropped 6 points from 2022 to 2023. (Source: Gallup)

🔶️ Among young people, too—the most liberal and LGBT-friendly demographic—support for gay marriage is going down, not up. From 2018 to 2024, support for gay marriage among 18-29 year olds dropped by 8 points.

🔶️ That decline appears to be overwhelmingly driven by Generation Z. From 2021 to 2023, Gen Z's support for gay marriage dropped by a full 11 points. (Source: PRRI)

🔶️ This wasn't supposed to happen. "History" was only supposed to move in one direction—and gay marriage was supposed to be a "settled issue."
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Forwarded from Austrian Art Academy
The Sacred Heart of Jesus
Pyrography on saved wood

Across the western world, the month of June is subjected to the disgrace of public indecency, celebrations of illness and the glorification of impurity.

Nothing blinds one to the truth so much as pride. The self-centered love that takes and uses, all the while leading to one’s ruin. Pride is the virtue of the fallen world and its sacraments are sodomy and infanticide, both rejections of life itself.
Modernity seeks to replace all tradition, piety and purity with it’s profane inverse.

This June, as Catholics celebrate the month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus we remember that true Love is selfless. True Love is sacrifice.
Love and practice your faith and traditions.

Turn away from the horrors meant to demoralize and humiliate you. As vile and deranged as those who hate you so too must you become strong and pure. As they are radical you must be devoted.
Reject degeneracy. Reclaim tradition.

Cor Jesu Sacratissimum Miserere Nobis
Forwarded from Geopolitics Live
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June 1 - the tragic date of the extradition of the Cossacks in Lienz

In February 1945, when the outcome of the War was already extremely clear, at a conference of the anti-Hitler coalition, among others, an agreement was reached on the transfer of all displaced persons by the British government to the USSR.

Let us recall that after the surrender of the Reich, the Cossacks of the Cossack Stan and the 15 SS Cossack Cavalry Corps were assured by the allies (in particular the British) and the officers gave their word that the Cossacks would not be handed over to the Bolsheviks for execution. But through a chain of treacherous betrayals, these agreements were violated. First, all the officers and main leaders of the Cossacks were extradited. Then it was the turn of ordinary Cossacks and their families, who were handed over to the Soviet Union at gunpoint and by force. All of them shared the terrible fate of executions and Gulags, of which few survived.
2024/06/01 16:03:22
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